A visualization for understanding the distribution of salaries of workers in the tech industry. This project was something I worked on with a group while taking CPSC 447 at UBC.

Data Dictionary

The following data was processed from Salaries for Jobs in Data Science and Tech (removed):

Attribute Type Cardinality/Range
company Categorical 1631
title Categorical 15
basesalary Quantitative [0, 1659870]
yearsofexperience Quantitative [0, 69]
yearsatcompany Quantitative [0, 69]
location Categorical 1050

This dataset consists of tech salary information from North America recorded in the time between January 1st, 2019 and September 9th, 2020.


Geographic distribution of workers

Geographic distribution of workers

Geographic distribution of worker salaries

Geographic distribution of worker salaries

Histograms of worker salary, years of experience, and tenure

Histogram 1

Histogram 2

Histogram 3

Bar chart of the companies with the most amount of salary records

Bar chart